
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Graduan terhebak

Broommm..Broommm by LittleGurl
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hello peoples? How are you doing? ;)

A few days ago, along and family balik rumah emergency sebab my brother in law punya kakak terpaksa dimasukkan ke wad ICU. Aku pon pegi jugak lawat dia kat hospital and what i can say, it was speechless. Kak Te' (nama panggilan) langsung tak boleh gerak and paling tragis tengok wayar berselirat kat area badan dia. Hmmmm doctor kata ade infection kuman sampai ke otak. Yang aku tau dia ade kencing manis dan batu karang dalam pundi kencing (i guess). Her condition still the same until now. Tapi abah (my brother in law punya abah) cakap Kak Te' ade jugaklah nampak macam bergerak sikit berbanding the first day masuk spital haritu. Tapi masih tak sedar lagi. Alhamdulillah. Hopefully her condition is become more better. Let's pray to her may get well soon.

Ok berbalik kepada tajuk asal. Seperti yang dijanjikan aku nak hupdate tentang my convocation's day! Well on 23rd October last week, aku telah pun berjaya bergelar (eh eh bergelar?) sebagai graduan yay! Let's have a big clap for me teeeheeee. Helo sape yang tak esaited macam aku kan sebab dah bergelar graduan. Everyone should be happy just like me. ;)

 look at him budak comel kat atas tu. esaited kemain nak pergi kombo ucu kan kan kan teeeheee

Nak dibuatkan cerita aku and the geng dah berpakat nak pakat the same colours on that day. Konon nak ikot themes sebab nak bergambar sama-sama hihi. But unfortunately night before convocation's day tu, aku tengah sibok nak matchingkan tudung and baju (ceh malam tu baru sibuk nak matching bagai). Then boleh pulak akak, akak ipar and abang aku kata baju aku buruk. Sebab dorang kata konvo degree sekali seumur hidup je so kena makesure colour kena striking and tak tenggelam masa pakai jubah. I was like eh kaler grey kan memang lah nampak suram la berbanding oren sobsob. Sentap hati mak nak whoaaaaaaaa. Aku memang dah bad mood gila. Aku siap explain lagi ini dah ikut themes dengan geng bas sekolah. Then my bro cakap 'ikutlah kalu nak nampak buruk time konvo'. Huh?

Sampai hati -_-'

Abang aku beria suruh pakai baju lain. Yes, ade baju lain tapi bukan aku punya pon kakak ipar aku punya actually. Dengan bad moodnya aku try, yeah, meman padan and suit very well. Disebabkan nak jaga hati sume orang, so aku terpaksa buat decision tukar themes. Eh aku sorang je ni dah tersalah themes camno?

Anyway, aku bersyukur sangat-sangat sebab masa konvo luckily dapat berkumpul sume dengan my bestie hoyeeaahhhhhh. It doesnt matter even themes tak sama dah, tapi paling penting the moment that we shared together. Bukan senang nak kumpul ramai-ramai camtu sebab dalam dewan dah berpecah. Yelah, kan ikut list nama and paling sedih nama aku selalu terbelakang sobsob. But i don't mind sebab masa dalam dewan kitorang dah keep messaging nak jumpa kat mana lepas settle majlis. 

The precious moment is to be with our bestie on our special day! Yes, i am so happy with that ;)

Here is my convocation's day!

honestly for the second time konvo baru boleh nampak details atas stage. sebelom ne layak duduk belakang je sobsobsob ;"( 

 Yeah it was me! ;)

 My bestie ever! Teman suka duka through my diploma and degree in Quantity Surveying, mereka inilah. Sporting gila. Nak korek hidung atau sendawa sekuat mungkin pon tak kesah teeeeheeeee ^^
Psstttttt bukan aku sorang je tak ikot themes muahahaha

Mira, one of my lovely friend. Actually nak ambek gambar dengan setiap orang tapi time ni sume dok kalut nak balek, nak pergi dekat family pulak, nak pegi snap pic kat studio, nak pergi hantar jubah sobsobsob. The times flow so fast whoaaaaa. So just ade gambar the whole geng only. Tapelah, janji dapat kumpul and celebrating together yeah!!!! ^^

 Thanks a lot to my gojes sista in the world! Automatically jadi photographer on that day haha. Thanks along sebab spend the whole weekend with me and umi. Labiu muas muas! ;)

Me and my couple. hahaha couple la kan? Same colour hikshikshiks. 
This is my only one. Time kecit sampai i dah besar panjang (ke??) hanya pernah cubit i sekali je time kecit sebab malas mandi muahahahaha. So sweet kan sebab umi tak pernah garang-garang pon hihi. Yelah, it is because anak dia pon bersopan santun auuuwwww auuuwwwww *pang*

 hai saya adalah graduan ^^

 hey budak comel yang suka posing peace tapi tak jadi. geram gila grrrrrrrrrrrrr

 the one who always give me strength and support yes!

look at him buat muka grrrrrr! dah la siap bawak sekali dengan spongebob tu. 
You know what spongebob tu beli bukan masa konvo tu, tapi bawak dari rumah -_-'

"Try not to be a woman of success, but rather to become a woman of value" 
Alhamdulillah finally ;)

Thanks to my sister, sister in law and brother sebab kutuk baju aku buruk kan hahaha. Yeah you're right. Nasib baik tak pakai grey/black, mesti nampak suram gambar aku sobsob.

Family is everything ;) 

Yeah esokkan lepas convocation's day terus pegi ambek pictures dari studio (sebagaimana di atas). Nasib baik konvo bukan hari masa ambek gambar tu. Sebab hujan lebat gila waktu petang. Kesian kat parent and student yang celebrating convocation on that day. Tapi nak buat macam mana hujan rahmat tu huu huu.

After took lunch masa convocation tu, balik rumah along terus nak snap snap lagi haha. Yelah tak sempat nak bergambar sangat pon sebab masa aku konvo cuaca gila panas. Memang hot hot spicy kalau berjemur tu mau terbakar macam ayam panggang cet.

Budak kecit (nama dia yiem) kat atas ni memang suka buat lawak. Kiranya lawak dia hanya dia yang tau. Tapi dia tak gelak pon. Kitorang yang terbahak-bahak. Ok fine, boleh masuk maharaja kecit lawak. Pulak.

 Yeah sepatutnya jambangan (eh?) bunga ni ade 3 actually tapi gamaknya macam tak cukup satu sebab budak kacak (lah sangat) tak dapat datang oleh kerana tekun mencari nafkah untuk i auuuwwww auuuwwwww (stop please).

 Dah la comel pakai baju bandung ucu beli kan, lepastu sebok nak duduk sebelah bajet macam 
konvo jugak haha. Grrrrrr rindu gila kat budak kecit ni!

 membajet itu perlu teeeheeeeee

"Patience is the art of hoping"

Sorry quality camera taklah sehebat DSLR kegemaran ramai. Itupon dah pakai camera mahal along kemain lagi kan. Nak harapkan camera aku taklah kot sebab pakai camera henfon cap ayam je haha. Anyway, thanks a lot to my friends for coming and celebrating this convocation on that day. Really appreciated it! Lepastu ade pulak orang tolong snap pictures memang best gila. Aku pon taktau sape yang snap lajulaju sebab ramai kot. So tak perasan keluarga sape atau photographer terhebak mana yang tolong ambek gambar aku. Ehem bukan gambar aku je tapi gambar with all members ;)

Ini aku cuma cilok dari member-member yang tolong tagkan dalam facebook je. Just a few. Banyak-banyak nanti korang muntah darah pulak -_-"

credit to MIBN

Budak cantiks dua orang (elah,seha)kat atas ini merangkap bestie aku jugak yang bergeng kat atas tu. Dorang lewat satu semester masuk degree sebelom ne so next semester baru dorang konvo pulak. Seriously, aku hampir nangis terkedu sebab dorang sanggup datang nak celebrate kitorang punya konvo ok. And we also got flowers for each person. Terharu gila tau tak. T_T Hopefully nanti konvo korang pulak kitorang join sama ok! ;) Love both of you so muchi muchi!

credit to MIBN

Yeah this is my puteri. Aku suka panggil umi sebagai puteri. Entah, nampak umi comel macam puteri ^^

 credit to MIBN

Heart you guys a lot!

 credit to Niezam Carbella

credit to MIBN

I would like to thank to all those who have given their cooperation in completing my study in UiTM Shah Alam in last 3 years. And to my beloved parents, family members, lover, friends and lecturers, thanks for everything. I am so grateful for having such a wonderful peoples in my life. I am also proud to be ex-student of UiTM. Syukran. ;) 

All of you are my source of inspiration ^^


Mek Onie on November 3, 2011 at 10:36 PM said...

congratulations awak :)

LittleGurl on November 4, 2011 at 1:55 PM said...

tengkiu awak! ;)

Ihsan Arifin on November 8, 2011 at 6:57 PM said...

tahniah kakkkk :)

LittleGurl on December 15, 2011 at 2:56 PM said...

Ihsan : thanks! ;)

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